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简介手拉手奥运会主题曲_歌曲手拉手奥运会主题曲       如果您有关于手拉手奥运会主题曲的问题,我可以通过我的知识库和研究成果来回答您的问题,并提供一些实用的建议和资源






4.谁知道汉城奥运会主题歌手拉手hand in hand的原版歌词





       歌名:Hand in Hand 手拉手

       词:[美] 汤姆·惠特洛克

       曲:[意] 吉奥吉·莫洛德(Giorgio Moroder)








       see the fire in the sky

       we feel the beating of our hearts together

       this is our time to rise above

       we know the chance is here to live forever

       for all time

       hand in hand we stand

       all across the land

       we can make this world a better place in which to live

       hand in hand we can

       start to undrestand

       breaking down the walls that come between us for all time

       a li la

       everytime we give it all

       we feel the flame eternally inside us

       lift our hands up to the sky

       the morning calm helps us to live in harmony

       for all time

       hand in hand

       breaking down the walls between us


       see the fire in the sky 看见空中的火焰

       we feel the beating of our hearts together 感觉到我们的心一起在跳动

       this our time to rise above 这是我们的时刻,让这团火焰缓缓升起

       we know the chance is here to live forever 我们知道机会永远会在这里

       for all time 永远

       hand in hand we stand 我们手拉手

       all across the land 穿越五大洲

       we can make this world a better place in which to live


       hand in hand we can 我们心连心

       start to undrestand 开始懂得了

       breaking down the walls that come between us for all time


       everytime we give it all 每次我们的给予

       we feel the flame eternally inside us 我们能感受到心中那永恒的火焰

       lift our hands up to the sky 举起我们的手

       the morning calm helps us to live in harmony 早晨的平静使我们变得融洽

       for all time 永远



       《手拉手》(《Hand In Hand》)是1988年汉城奥运会的主题歌。是由汤姆·怀特洛克(美)作词,吉奥吉·莫洛作曲(Giorgio Moroder,意大利),Koreana组合演唱。





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       汉城奥运会主题曲是《Hand In Hand》,由汤姆·怀特洛克(美)作词,吉奥吉·莫洛作曲 (Giorgio Moroder,意大利),Koreana组合演唱。





       3、本届奥运会的吉祥物是一个老虎形象,取名为 Hodori。这只老虎的形象十分友好,也代表了韩国人的热情好客。老虎的脖子上挂着奥林匹克的五环会徽,头上戴着一顶朝鲜农民传统舞蹈中的纱帽。


谁知道汉城奥运会主题歌手拉手hand in hand的原版歌词

       88年韩国汉城奥运会主题歌《手拉手》(hand in hand )

       see the fire in the sky 看见空中的火焰

       we feel the beating of our hearts together 感觉到我们的心一起在跳动

       this our time to rise above 这是我们的时刻,让这团火焰缓缓升起

       we know the chance is here to live forever 我们知道机会永远会在这里

       for all time 永远

       hand in hand we stand 我们手拉手

       all across the land 穿越五大洲

       we can make this world a better place in which to live


       hand in hand we can 我们心连心

       start to undrestand 开始懂得了

       breaking down the walls that come between us for all time


       everytime we give it all 每次我们的给予

       we feel the flame eternally inside us 我们能感受到心中那永恒的火焰

       lift our hands up to the sky 举起我们的手

       the morning calm helps us to live in harmony 早晨的平静使我们变得融洽

       for all time 永远


       Hand In Hand(手拉手)

       we can see the fire in the sky

       we feel the beating of our hearts together

       this is our time to rise above

       we know the chance is here to live forever

       for all time

       hand in hand we stand

       all across the land

       we can make this world a better place in which to live

       hand in hand we can!

       start to undrestand

       breaking down the walls that come between us for all time

       all the time

       everytime we give it all

       we feel the flame eternally inside us

       lift our hands up to the sky

       the morning calm helps us to live in harmony

       for all time

       hand in hand we stand

       all across the land

       we can make this world a better place in which to live

       hand in hand we can!

       start to undrestand

       breaking down the walls that come between us for all time

       all the time

       hand in hand we stand

       all across the land

       we can make this world a better place in which to live

       hand in hand we can!

       start to undrestand

       breaking down the walls that come between us for all time

       hand in hand

       breaking down the walls between us

       hand in hand

       breaking down the walls



